Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Morning Sugar-134

I think my sugar has come down ALOT. I didn't eat to well yesterday, and it still stayed under 200, we shall see!

Night-174 :(

Monday, April 11, 2011


Today has been ok. No symptoms from the Metformin.

I had to be to work at 6, so here is my break down so far today.

5 am Woke Up
6am Started Work
8am First break, Sugar 158. Snack-1/2 Apple and 1 Light Cheese Stick
10:30 Second break, Sugar 142. Lunch-Tuna Salad, 10 Multi-grain Crackers, Cheese stick, a side of broccoli and cheese.
1:30 Third break, Sugar 137. Snack-1 Light Cheese Stick.

I haven't eaten since then, which is bad, but i am getting ready to cook dinner and that should take 30 min. or less.

We are having hot dogs and sweet potato fries. I think I might make myself a side of green beans too.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Starting Metformin again.

I have a habit of not taking it, because of my stomach issues. So tonight in the middle of dinner I am going to take 500mg. I am going to keep doing this, for a month. After a month, I am going to add another 500mg. And so on.

When I wake up I am going to check my sugar, and then check it every break at work.

Plus I am going to eat a health lunch clue what, but I work at Wal-mart I should be able to find something I can make in the break room.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Story

My name is Cathleen and I am 21 years old and this is my story.

When I was 16 years old I started birth control. I went from weighing 190ish to over 200 pounds. I started getting facial hair, acne, and of course the weight gain. When I was 17, I decided to stop taking my pills. That was July of 07. Around August I realized, I haven't had a period yet. So like many people, I hoped on Google. I read it was common, so I didn't think anything of it. Around December I realized something was wrong, but NO INSURANCE. I went another year before a period. In October of 2008 I was diagnosed. After that, I went insane. I became obsessed with getting pregnant.

In July of 2009, I started going to an OBGYN. I hated him. You should never hate your doctor. I told him I had PCOS and was there for treatment. He treated me like an un-educated idiot. I know my condition, I know the common cures for it. He did my first pelvic ultra-sound. He discovred 2 masses in or around my fallopian tubes. He told me, they would do surgery, remove my ovaries and tubes because they were useless.

I freaked. I cried. And cried. I decided to go for a second opinion. I ended up getting a HSG test. My tubes came back clean and I did my first round of clomid. It was a failure. But after that we decided to go on a TTC break, because there is no rush.

I now sit here, unhealthy, unmediated and ready to change. I say that a lot. I always decide to "change" and never do. So I am making it a point to do it this time!

Wish me luck!